A parte “trabalho” dessa viagem durou 7 dias – de 6 a 13 de maio. O grupo de clientes chegaria no dia 7, mas precisei chegar dois dias antes a fim de organizar os detalhes.
Já que lá estava eu em Londres, num belo domingo de sol, nada mais justo que eu aproveitasse para “turistar” nas minhas horas vagas.
As primeiras fotos dessa viagem foram então tiradas nesse momento. Caminhando pela capital Britânica, passei pelos St. James Park, Green Park e Hyde Park. Passei em frente ao monumento Albert Memorial e ao lendário Royal Albert Hall até chegar de volta ao hotel.
Um bela maneira de reiniciar meus contatos com Londres.
The “work” part of this trip lasted 7 days – from 6th to 13th May. The group of clients would arrive on the 7th, but I had to arrive two days earlier to organise some details.
And as I was in London, under a sunny Sunday, it was fair enough to enjoy my free time walking around this great city.
The first pictures of this trip were taken at that moment. Strolling along UK Capital city I walked through St. James Park, Green Park and Hyde Park. I passed in front of Albert Memorial and the legendary Royal Albert Hall before reaching the hotel.
It was a great way to start my contact with London again.