As belas corujas / The beautiful owls

Não me recordo onde foi, mas em alguma das vinícolas visitadas havia uma placa dizendo para não espantar e nem alimentar as corujas, pois elas ajudam a controlar a população das pombas que atacam os vinhedos.

Independente desse papel na natureza, as corujas são bela e interessantes vê-las tão de perto. Tive essa oportunidade na Casa de Uco. Pedalando por entre os vinhedos ao fim do dia, me deparei com algumas aqui e ali e fui em busca de alguns cliques com elas.

Aqui estão as imagens.

I don´t remember when it was, but in one of the winery we´ve visited there was a sign saying about the owls – not to frighten them away or feed them as they were responsible to control the wineries by expelling the pigeons.

Apart from that role, the owls are beautiful and interesting animals to be seen so closely. I had this opportunity at Casa de Uco. Biking here and there around the wineries, I came across some of them and I got some clicks.

Here are the pictures.

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