Samuel Johnson, um escritor inglês disse: “Quando um homem está cansado de Londres, ele está cansado da vida”. Concordo plenamente.

Fiquei uma semana em Londres e, além dos pontos turísticos obrigatórios – Torre de Londres, Parlamento Britânico, Museu Britânico, National Gallery, Hyde Park, Troca da Guarda, visitei também alguns pontos distintos como: Greenwich, Highgate, Museu de História Natural e claro alguns Pubs. Em um deles pude assistir à final da Copa da Uefa com Brad, no dia do seu aniversário, o qual comemoramos com 3 amigas inglesas.

E pude não apenas visitar, mas assistir a um show no fabuloso Royal Albert Hall. O show foi do Waterboys (pra quem não conhece, procure pela música “The Whole of the Moon”). Simplesmente demais!!! E entrar na Rough Trade, uma loja-gravadora de cds a qual lançou o ícone pop dos anos 80 – The Smiths!

Dica: Fiquei no Adamotel – apesar do nome…é um albergue. Limpo, organizado e com acesso à internet, restrito porém de graça. E fica perto do Sainsbury, um supermercado que foi companheiro na hora daquela fome e perto das estações de metrô Gloucester Road/Earl´s Court, excelente localização!
Outra dica – não deixe de ir ao mercado de Convent Garden, tomar umas cervejas no All bar One e ir pra uma baladinha no Sorocco e aproveite o som e caia na dança, no estilo Londrino!
E se quiser ver a Troca da Guarda, chegue com 1 hora de antecedência e tenha paciência.
Samuel Johnson, an English writer said: ‘When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life” and I fully agree.

I stayed one week in London and besides the mandatory touristic places – Tower of London, British Parliament, British Museum, National Gallery, Hude Park, Changing of the Guards, I also visited some other interesting points: Greenwich, Highgate, Natural History Museum and of course, some Pubs. By the way, in one of them I could watch the Uefa final game – Liverpool vs Milan with Brad and celebrate his birthday together with 3 English girlfriends – Cheers Man!

And I could not only visit but also watch a gig at Royal Albert Hall an amazing theatre in front of Kensington Garden. The show was of Waterboys (for those who don´t know them, look for their famous song “The Whole of the Moon”). Fantastic!!! And I also could visit Rough Trade, a cd store/label responsible for launching The Smiths – an 80´s icon pop band.

Hint: I stayed at Adamotel, a hostel in Earl´s court. Clean, safe, organised and near Sainsbury supermarket, which helped me with some snacks and juices and close to Gloucester Road and Earl´s Court stations. Excelent location!
Another hint… don´t forget to visit Convent Garden market, get some pints at All bar One (by the way, it was here where we celebrated Brad´s birthday with Selina, Nicky and Jessica – hello everybody!) and go to dance at Sorocco!
And… if you want to see the Changing of the Guards, get there 1 hour earlier than the time and be patient!

Não tenho a foto atravessando a rua, mas estive lá!
I don´t have a picture of me crossing the street, but I was there!

Parlamento visto da London Eye

Parliament from London Eye

O céu cinza se contrapõe ao colorido do jardim

The sky is gray, nevertheless the gardens…

Notting Hill

Tower Bridge – my first day!

Um comentário em “LONDRES / LONDON

  1. Hello, I have just had a quick look at the pictures and at this moment I have got just one word to say: LOVELY! Sorry, but I am really short of time now, but soon let me see more pictures, maybe over a cup of tea… I can´t hepl it, but I could spot one typing mistake in your profile, guess who I am…? Just remember your English lessons…

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